This cube craft paper toy is Eighth Doctor, based on the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, the papercraft was created by CyberDrone.
The Eighth Doctor led a life of unusual temporal complexity. It so frequently involved time paradoxes and parallel universes that it was impossible to know with certainty how the major epochs of his existence fitted together. Complicating the matter even further were his frequent bouts of amnesia, as well as several phases of his life where he lived in one place for more than a hundred years. Though asserting the Doctor's age was always a problematic issue, the likelihood was that he was one of the longest-lived incarnations - simply by virtue of the time he spent on the planet Orbis alone.
He was utterly unique amongst incarnations of the Doctor in that he was technically dead both when he regenerated from the Seventh Doctor and when he regenerated into the War Doctor. Indeed, his fateful choice to have the Sisterhood of Karn turn him into a warrior would have repercussions for several later regenerations. The angst felt by the Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Doctors over the destruction of Gallifrey in the Last Great Time War lead directly back to this Doctor's after-death decision to regenerate into the War Doctor.
Still, that decision did not typify his life. The Eighth Doctor was inherently a happy adventurer, having many points in common with the Tenth Doctor. Indeed, like his successor, he fell in love with an early companion, Charlotte Pollard and was not averse to bouts of very human emotions, from kissing human women to providing psychological support to traumatised companions, to seeking solace in a bar after losing a companion, to attending football matches. So strong was his affection for humans, that he even claimed to be half-human - though this was later revealed to be a clever lie to stop the Master.
Additional factors made him unique. He was the only Doctor to travel with an Ice Warrior, the first to have significant interaction with his granddaughter after his first incarnation left her behind on Earth, the first to radically and completely transform the console room, one of the few to actually have companions die while under his watch, and the incarnation to go for the longest periods of time without access to a working TARDIS. As befit his more romantic nature, he was the also the first Doctor who knowingly allowed his companions to have sex in the TARDIS. Indeed, he was the first incarnation of the Doctor who was confirmed to have had sexual relations with at least one of his companions. [Source: wikia]
You can download the papercraft toy here: Doctor Who - Eighth Doctor Cube Craft Free Paper Toy Download
For more infomation please visit: Doctor Who - Eighth Doctor Cube Craft Free Paper Toy Download at
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