This papercraft is Shenron (Sheng Long in manga), a magical dragon from the Dragon Ball: Revenge of King Piccolo video game of the Dragon Ball series, the paper model is created by Luis Paraqueimo.
Shenron is shown with the horns of a stag, sharp teeth, green scaly skin, red eyes, four toes on each foot, a long serpentine body, long flowing whiskers, a long snout, crescent shaped nostrils, and flowing green hair on his cheeks. He is an Eastern dragon, whose kind are benevolent and sacred in Oriental mythologies. Unlike the Western dragons, which have large dorsal foldable wings on their backs, he has none. His kind are good at heart, but as a strong dragon, he has an aggressive temper, and is impatient sometimes.
Shenron can be summoned by gathering all seven of the Dragon Balls of Earth. According to the back of the "Saga of Goku" boxed set, Shenron dwells in a raging fire deep inside the Earth"s core when the Dragon Balls are currently not being used. Shenron can bestow any wish as long as it does not exceed the power of his creator, who must be still alive. Shenron is shown to have a temper, and he once threatened to kill a summoner if they do not make their wish soon. According to Goku, Shenron cannot grant the same wish more than once. The Dragon Balls cannot be used for one year after a wish is made, as they turn to stone. The Earth Dragon Balls are relatively small, each about the size of a large orange. The Shenron of the Black Star Dragon Balls is red, opposed to the Shenron of Earth who is green. Unlike Porunga, Shenron can only grant one wish per summoning, until Dende upgrades him to grant three wishes.
Shenron can wish back more than one person per wish provided that:
- They died less than a year before the summoning
- Died under the same circumstance
- Have not already been wished back before
This is used to revive the victims of many villains, such as King Piccolo and his men, Frieza and his men, and Cell. [Source: wikia]
You can download this papercraft template here: Dragon Ball: Revenge of King Piccolo - Shenron (Sheng Long Dragon) Free Papercraft Download
For more infomation please visit: Dragon Ball: Revenge of King Piccolo - Shenron (Sheng Long Dragon) Free Papercraft Download at
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