Sunday, June 8, 2014

New Paper Craft: Total Annihiliation - The Can and Fido Free Paper Models Download

Total Annihiliation - The Can Paper ModelHere are The Can and Fido paper models, based on the video game Total Annihilation, the papercraft was created by TApapercraft.

The Can is a level 2 Kbot that’s most defining trait is extreme durability; the durability of The Can is down to its thick armour that can take considerable punishment from other units, the downside The Can is its slow movement speed, which isn’t helped by its short ranged weapon. It has no ARM counterpart.

Total Annihiliation - Fido Paper ModelThe Fido is a level 2 Assault Kbot with a long ranged weapon; not only is it a fast unit, it is a strong one as well, with good power and durability, however, the cannon shells it fires have a straight trajectory and are therefore easily blocked by elevation and wreckage, making it vulnerable when stuck behind them. The Fido has no CORE counterpart. [Source: wikia]

You can download the papercraft models here: Total Annihiliation – The Can and Fido Free Paper Models Download

For more infomation please visit: Total Annihiliation - The Can and Fido Free Paper Models Download at

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